Double sème le trouble dans Skullgirls

On arrête plus les Skullgirls, cette semaine c’est Double qui nous fait l’honneur de se présenter. Ce monstre difforme peut à volonté modifier sa forme chaotique en qui bon lui semble (et par la même occasion peut imiter les attaques de son ennemi), mais se présente la plupart du temps sous l’aspect angélique d’une nonne. On peut la trouver habituellement dans la grande cathédrale de la Sainte Trinité, à espionner les confessions et roder dans les catacombes. Le dernier combattant dévoilé, Autumn Games et Reverge Labs nous listent maintenant les succès du jeu que vous retrouverez sous une nouvelle série de screenshots mettant en scène Double.
Succès Xbox 360
Threads of Fate – 30G
Follow all threads of fate to their inevitable conclusions.
Sküllgirls – 20G
Graduation day has arrived at last! Mrs. Victoria’s so proud of you.
Prolix – 20G
Words are fun – expand your vocabulary.
An Ensemble Cast – 10G
There may be no I in “team,” but there is in “variety.”
Instant Hair Dash – 15G
Let your parasite feel the wind between his tendrils.
Real Circus Damage – 15G
And now, for the main attraction… Grappling!
The Kitchen Sink – 15G
Throw everything at them, including…
Good Hunting, Commander – 15G
A good commander knows how to wield her forces effectively.
Getting A Head In the Game – 15G
Sometimes you just need to relax and take the weight off your shoulders.
My Pain Will Be Visited Upon You – 15G
Sometimes you can take it, and sometimes you just want to lash out.
Medical Board Will Be Notified – 15G
Your opponents aren’t the only ones under the knife.
Toil and Trouble – 15G
A sesquidecemvir of seven simulacra synergizing simultaneously.
Trophées Playstation 3
Threads of Fate – Silver
Follow all threads of fate to their inevitable conclusions.
Sküllgirls – Silver
Graduation day has arrived at last! Mrs. Victoria’s so proud of you.
Prolix – Silver
Words are fun – expand your vocabulary.
An Ensemble Cast – Silver
There may be no I in “team,” but there is in “variety.”
Instant Hair Dash – Bronze
Let your parasite feel the wind between his tendrils.
Real Circus Damage – Bronze
And now, for the main attraction… Grappling!
The Kitchen Sink – Bronze
Throw everything at them, including…
Good Hunting, Commander – Bronze
A good commander knows how to wield her forces effectively.
Getting A Head In the Game – Bronze
Sometimes you just need to relax and take the weight off your shoulders.
My Pain Will Be Visited Upon You – Bronze
Sometimes you can take it, and sometimes you just want to lash out.
Medical Board Will Be Notified – Bronze
Your opponents aren’t the only ones under the knife.
Toil and Trouble – Bronze
A sesquidecemvir of seven simulacra synergizing simultaneously.
Breaking the Cycle – Bronze
Retaliate against repetition.
Call the Wardrobe Department – Silver
Make dozens of costume changes.
World Warrior Princess – Bronze
Wander the world… unintentionally.
Happy Birthday – Bronze
You got a present!